சுந்தரவடிவேலின் முயற்சிகளைப் போலவே பலரும் இணையத்தில் பள்ளிகளின் பாதுகாப்பு குறித்தும், குடந்தை தீ விபத்துக்காகவும் பெருமளவில்
உதவி செய்யவும், விழிப்புணர்வு ஏற்படுத்தவும் விழைந்துள்ளனர்.
இன்று குடாப்பகுதி தமிழ்மன்றத் தலைவர் மணி.மு.மணிவண்ணன் அவர்களிடம் இருந்து கீழேயுள்ள மடல் வந்தது.
உங்கள் பார்வைக்கும், பங்குக்கும் இங்கே பகிர நினைத்தேன்.
Dear Friends,
We are grateful to the generous members who have already responded to this appeal from the Tamil Manram by sending in their checks. The Collector of Thanjavur has responded to our offer of support (see
http://www.bayareatamilmanram.org ). One of the first life-members of Tamil Manram, Dr. S. S. Rajaram, is currently in Tamil Nadu and he is sending in his first-hand reports. According to him, the burn victims are being treated by first rate hospitals like JIPMER-Pondicherry, CMC-Vellore, Apollo Hospitals of Madras, MMC-Madras in addition to Thanjavur Hospital.
Right now, the medical care is quite adequate. But Dr. Rajaram cautions that more serious care will be need once the burn injuries start healing. The children will be needing skin grafting (Plastic surgery) and intense physio and psycho therapy. Each child will need to be evaluated to see what percentage of skin surface has been affected and only then the true cost will be known.
As communicated earlier, we are working with FeTNA (Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America), a non-profit charity and is an umbrella organization of most of the Tamil associations in America and Canada in this effort. FeTNA has announced its plan of action and the agencies through which service will be delivered in India.
What is the plan of action?
Short term
To provide all possible help for the surviving children who are burn victims - to bring them to the normal life condition as much as possible. (About 10 to 15 with 5 of the children in critical condition according to Tanjore Medical College).
Long term
Provide help to survey the rest of the schools in and around Kumbakonam as the first step for safety standards and procedures with qualified, trained and experienced paid volunteers based on funding. Utilize the obtained information along with the recommendations from Technical professionals and recommend the same to the local, state and central govt. of India to prevent future mishaps. Follow up with local NGOs or some of the Tamil Charitable organization - our counter parts in USA already involved in charitable and volunteer work in Tamil Nadu
Through whom the funding will be spentContacts were made with local medical group (Tanjore Medical College) and Charitable organizations (Lions Club, Rotary Club) in Kumbakonam regarding this mishap and their recommendations.Further efforts will be made to contact few of the local NGOsFunding will be distributed to these organizations and plan to follow up through our fraternal charitable organization in USA, already involved in charitable and volunteer work in Tamil Nadu
To whom the donations have to be addressed and sent:
Please make out a check for FeTNA, specify "Fire Relief - Kumbakonam" in theMemo and mail the check to:
Mani M. Manivannan
Bay Area Tamil Manram,
38871 Jonquil DriveNewark,
CA 94560
Donations to the Fire Relief fund is tax deductible and you will receive an acknowledgement from FeTNA. To speed up relief plans, please e-mail your "Pledge amount" and send your contributions ASAP. (We thank all those individuals who have already pledged to help the victims).
Send your pledge e-mails to
Mani M. ManivannanPresident,
Bay Area Tamil Manram
Serving the community since 1980